Call for Asia/Pacific region meetup organizers to make video relay

Next month I will speak at WordCamp Denpasar!

In this session, I’d like to introduce local meetups in Asia/Pacific region by short video relay.

I’m sorry for the short notice, but If you have a plan to organize meetup until 13 November, Please join in!

WordCamp Denpasar Official site.

Pls send me a short group video 📹

In my session, I’d like to play recorded relay video of local meetups in Asia/Pacific region.

Please take video with these steps:

  1. Get together with all attendee (except who don’t want to show their faces).
  2. Say something all together. For example “We love WordPress” or “Hello from *city name*”.
  3. Smartphone is enough.
  4. I expect 3-10 second length.
  5. Send me until 14 November by e-mail to hello atmark

This is example from WooCommerce Meetup Tokyo.


After edit, I imagine the video will be like this.

Let’s get together and cheer Asian community!

Please share with meetup organizers!

Call for Asia/Pacific region meetup organizers to make video relay

Call for Asia/Pacific region meetup organizers to make video relay」への3件のフィードバック

    1. Thank you Carl! I’m not sure if I can attend, but I can spread the word about your WordCamp 🙂


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